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May 3, 2022

Communities of Profit VS Communities of Purpose … and other Grid Myths

“It can’t be done.”  “We can’t get there from here.” “It’s too risky.”  “We have nothing in common.” Most people (and organizations) walk away when these statements arise, but DOE often uses them as a test for when to push forward.

DOE is not a monolithic organization but rather a collection of communities with specific purposes, and sometimes only united at the very top of DOE’s mission statement: to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.  The one thing DOE is not is a community of profit, but no solutions to America’s energy challenges can succeed without profit as a motivation.  Get three perspectives from within DOE on what unites us, what divides us, and how to forge a common purpose.

Christopher Irwin

Christopher Irwin has spent over 20 years in a diverse spectrum of high technology fields from HVAC to semiconductor manufacturing, communication networks for advanced metering, and Smart Grid infrastructure.At the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, he has managed over $1.5B in grid modernization projects. He has seen some of the top utilities in the country, from very large to very small, tackle technology, integration and business challenges necessary to bring about the Smart Grid.Chris leads DOE’s Smart Grid standards and interoperability efforts, working alongside NIST, FERC and others in the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel. He founded DOE’s participation in the Green Button Data Access Initiative to empower customers with improved access to their own energy data, and works with the GridWise Architecture Council on Transactive Energy concept development.Prior to joining the DOE, he served as Director of Products at an AMI communications vendor, gaining a perspective on the electric energy sector, as well as natural gas and water infrastructure. Chris holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, and an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.




December 8, 2020 / Session 2  9am PT 


Architecting a Resilient Grid

The GridWise Architecture Council will introduce the 7 workshops of this conference and their relationship to Future States of our rapidly transforming energy systems.